Psa 43:5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
Last night at church, I had a very refreshing time focusing on the goodness of God displayed in my fellow believers lives. There was also testimony of ones who had accepted Christ later in life, and though they thankful for the forgiveness of God, one could still sense the regret. So today I am thankful that Christ has forgiven my sins, and that I gave my life over to Him before I could really do something dumb. I am also thankful for a godly parents, who put me in a godly home so that I would still be tender enough for the Spirit to work. I know myself! If I had been in any other home I probably would still be wallowing in my sin! I still have a hard enough time with it, now that I don't want it! But God is good and he orchestrated and shaped my life so that I would have the positive influences around me!
Striving for Excellence!
John P. Dierking
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